Looking for a new ICT management job ?
CIO.careers may be able to propose a new job, in line with your ambition

7 good reasons to send your job application to CIO.careers

  1. Your job application will be assessed by a senior consultant and will be entered into our CV database,
  2. You will be contacted when your profile matches an open position, sometimes unexpectedly as we base ourselves on your transferable skills,
  3. During interviews, you will receive appropriate advice from our consultants,
  4. Since CIO.careers only recruits on an exclusive basis, you will be assessed only once for all open vacancies,
  5. When the likelihood of you being recruited is high, your resume will be forwarded to our client with your agreement,
  6. If necessary, the consultant can be your facilitator during the integration phase in your new mission,
  7. Your application will be treated confidentially.

First exchanges after receiving your job application

After receiving your job application and if your profile concurs with one of our vacancies, you will be contacted by telephone by a senior consultant.

During this first contact, the consultant:

  • will do a first assessment with regards to all open vacancies,
  • will schedule additional appointments for personality tests with our senior consultant and psychologist if your profile matches one or more open vacancies,
  • will send you links to access specifically dedicated webpages that explain our selection process and provide useful advice to candidates seeking a ICT or CIO position.
  • will schedule an interview in one of our offices.

All tests and interviews will be debriefed with you.

Send us your ICT or CIO job application

  • by mail at cio @ cio . careers
  • or by phone at +32 223 185 202 (Bruxelles) in english, dutch, german
  • or at +33 184 178 335 (Paris) in french.
  • You can also complete the ICT / CIO job application form.

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